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Пленарное заседание по направлению "Languages": Гумовская Галина Николаевна

В рамках HSE LED Conference на Пленарном заседании по направлению Languages 8 декабря в 13:30 участники Конференции смогут услышать доклад и поучаствовать в обсуждении с

Гумовской Галиной Николаевной
Доктор наук
Школа иностранных языков 
НИУ ВШЭ, Москва

Тема доклада: "Meta-discourse Interactive Resources to Facilitate the Interpreting of Discourse"

Краткое описание доклада:  In the talk, discourse is considered as a communicative situation that includes the text, the participants, background and circumstances that accompany the communicative event. The interpersonal resources used to organize a discourse or the writer’s position towards either its content or the reader are identified as meta-discourse. Meta-discourse is a set of features, which together contribute to the interactions between text producers and their texts and between text producers and users.

Meta-discourse is used to describe a word or phrase that comments on what is in the sentence. Meta-discourse may be presented by any phrase that is included within a clause or sentence that goes beyond the subject itself, often to examine the purpose of the sentence or a response from the author. The meta-discourse is presented in the categories of meta-discursive interactive and influence markers, which contribute to direct interpersonal communication facilitating the process of interpreting statements containing those linguistic units. It is a more extensive effort of the speaker or writer to connect with an audience and bring it to agreement. Features, which explicitly link ideas or label text stages, signal the author’s assessment of the audience’s needs. Meta-discourse is interpersonal in that it takes account of the reader’s knowledge and experiences.

The purpose of the study is to show how interactive resources work for facilitating the interpreting of the discourse on the material of G. Byron’s famous speech in the Chamber of Lords, which is considered the standard of oratorical style and a masterpiece of eloquence. Subjected to analysis are interactive discourse markers, information source markers, influence meta-discourse markers, which govern the author’s relation with the text, meta-discursive markers, which govern the author’s relationship with the reader, and sentence interactive resources. Having analysed Lord Byron’s speech from the state point of the ideas it conveys, we concluded that the first speech of a 24-year Byron in the Chamber of Lords seems to be a masterpiece of eloquent emptiness.
2022-11-02 14:43